"A Good Day"
This is not a day that will be bad, or make you sad.
This day will be good. Is that understood!?
Yes, this day will be nice, made of sugar and spice.
Yes, that is a good guess, this day will be the best.
The day is what you make of it.
So make today a good day."
We were able to make our annual shopping trip for Christmas and it was a pretty successful night. I think I am about 80% done with my shopping and thanks to my mom who has been wrapping as we go so we are doing pretty well. I was even able to get some new jammies as well. I would stay in jammies all day everyday if I thought I could get away with it although I may embarrass my kids a bit at the grocery store or the mall. We had such a fun night snacking on food and yummy hot chocolate while we listened to a great live band and shopped the night away.
I am still making my list and crossing things off as I go. Although most days I feel like I am crossing off 5 things only to add 10 more to the list. But I am making progress. I have at least consolidated the 5 lists I had all into one master list of things I need to get done. It is sometimes funny to read the list because it truly is all over the map. Ranging from letters I need to write to each of my kids for milestones they will reach in their lives to the fact that I have to make a nail appointment next week. As I have always said, straight from Miranda Lambert herself "it doesn't matter how you feel, it only matters what you look like."
I had my radiation treatment today and as expected I was very nervous and I had one of my shiver spells right before I went in, much like I did when they did the mask fitting yesterday. I finally realized that the shivers are partially because I am cold and they happen at home almost everyday but I think the ones that happen at the hospital are more anxiety than from actually being cold. I shake uncontrollably and it can be kind of embarrassing. It also made it hard when they put the mask on as well because it is such a tight fit. I had both my neurosurgeon and radiologist at my treatment which was very reassuring for me. They were both very happy in how the treatment went and I have another follow up in early February and then another MRI in late March. So we can check that one off my list and move full force ahead on the next thing.
We got some great news today, the request for my out of network request to go to City of Hope was approved and I have an appointment early next week. I have collected all of the information, scans, notes and details to take with me and with some help, luck, great friends and endless work by my amazing husband we got the approval today. I could not be happier, I know there are no guarantees but this is just one more resource and one more way to fight this battle because I am not giving up!
Good morning and here's to a good day. Glad the scan went well. I know that one was creeping you out! Congratulations again to Davis - a 4.0 is a huge deal, and combined with athletics, well, he's an amazing kid. We love your holiday car. We have it, along with the one from your parents, on the dining room table. You all are a centerpiece ;-)
ReplyDelete*card (Although I wouldn't mind a holiday car).