People say that in a crisis you find out who your true friends are. I am here to say that I have the most AMAZING friends in the world!!! They lift me up, keep me positive, help me through, support me and my family but most of all they are just there. During this process I have learned that I have best husband and family but there is nothing that can take the place of a great circle of girlfriends! We had an opportunity to get together for lunch this week and celebrate a birthday and as always after a 3 hour lunch we were already planning our next get together. I also am lucky enough to have the best friend in the world who drives what should be 3 hours one way (she drives like a bat otta'hell so it only takes her 2) to spend one day a week with me. It is so great to see her bright smiling face every week and she (along with a certain Sister-in-law) fills my house with baked goods that are so good!!!
I woke up full of energy this morning.... at least until 9am. I am down to only one med (my shot) and feel pretty good. I still only have to take Tylenol for the pain so it is manageable. I was so worried about the PIC dressing change today because my arm has been so sore. I had to ice my arm most of the day yesterday but that is not what kept me up all night. I have heard you dream about losing your hair but last night was my first one. It was so real!!!! I know this is going to be my biggest hurdle and it makes me so mad that I am
that girl, who is so worried about something like my hair. It really is so stupid but as most of you know my hair has defined me, I have a lot of it. I woke up almost in tears last night just playing with my hair to make sure it was still there. Part of me just wants it to fall out already so I can be done with it but it really scares me and how I am going to respond to it. I still try to tell myself it will be fine and the beanies will be great but will they really???? I was so obsessed with it this morning that I got the scissors and cut 2 inches off just because. My head still hurts a bit but not as bad, when I run my fingers through it, it feels like the hair is just going to come out with my fingers.
Okay ENOUGH!!!! I have to get over it!
Coming to grips with how I am feeling with all of this is rough and I am so looking forward to the next girls night.... I'm meeting a group of girls from high school and I can't wait for night out even for just a quick reunion. It will be a great distraction and an opportunity to see some great girls that I haven't in way too long!!!
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