I know it has been a while since my last post, sorry about that. I had my scan done 2 weeks ago and all is good and last week I had an EKG done as the last test before my appointment with my Oncologist next week. I will get the results of the EKG tomorrow. Peter and I snuck away for a few days up to Carmel and it was so nice not to "have" to be anywhere. We spent most of the time walking through town, on the beach or trying to catch up on movies before the Oscars. We saw Nebraska, American Hustle and Wolf of Wall Street.

I am going back to work this week and it will be nice to get back at it and get back to my busy life but I wonder what it will be like to wear a suit with a beanie.... I guess I will find out soon enough. I am going to ease my way back into the daily grind and concentrate on only part of my area at first but I am sure I will be sucked back in soon enough. I also am getting back in the swing of the balance between home and work as well as well as all the kids activities and getting dinner on the table as well. I really do love a busy life so its a very good thing for me.
I have begun the process of my reconstruction and the one thing I have learned is that this is going to take some time. After dealing with the speed of cancer and all of my treatments it is a bit strange to be dealing with the other side and me having to the proactive one. It is a whole new world to me and I have a lot of research ahead of me. They say that the side effects from chemo can last up to 6 months after you stop treatment, luckily most of mine have begun to subside. I am beginning to get my taste back a bit, some days are better

than others. The last couple of days I have felt like I have had a bit more energy but it seems to come and go, I am still not sleeping as well as I did before this all started but it is getting a little better. My hair is starting to grow again and now I really feel like I look like someone with cancer. It is coming back SLOWLY and is still pretty light, funny thing is it is pretty straight too. I am in quite a bit of pain in my joints and I originally thought it was because of all the walking I have been doing but the pain is not only in my knees. The pain seems to be worst in my finger joints and elbows but spreads to my back, shoulders and legs. I am beginning to get my taste back a bit, some days are better than others. The last couple of days I have felt like I have had a bit more energy but it seems to come and go, I am still not sleeping as well as I did before this all started but it is getting a little better. My hair is starting to grow again and now I really feel like I look like someone with cancer. It is coming back SLOWLY and is still pretty light, funny thing is it is pretty straight too.

My biggest side effect seems to be between my ears. I have now lost 3 friends to this ugly thing called cancer and I struggle with the survivors guilt every day. I constantly find myself asking why them and not me. These friends were all strong, lively people who had a great outlook on life were very upbeat and positive and fought hard. It just makes no sense to me at all. It makes me so sad and can't imagine what their families, but mostly there kids and spouses, are dealing with right now. My heart aches to think about it and my thoughts wonder to what if I were in there shoes. I get so sad to go to that place and think how my family would be dealing with it all and it just makes me so sad.
I continue to feel better, its funny that I didn't realize how crumby I felt, truly bad,
even before I was diagnosed. Now that I am feeling better I can look back and see the signs of how bad I was feeling but just chalked it up to being a tired mom just like all of my friends. Thank you all for all of the continued support and as I draw closer to my ned surgery I will keep you posted but maybe with a little less detail.....LOL.
Hi Dana ~ I just spent the afternoon reading your entire blog. Danielle and Jim recommended it since my father in law is going through chemo now. What a journey you have had. Reading it made me cry for you. Congratulations on beginning your journey to your new normal. Thank you so much for putting your story on social media. The perspective it has given me is amazing. Positive thoughts for you, your family and your future. Nina