Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Feeling grateful!


I know it has been almost a week since my last post and I have been resting a lot and trying to get things done when I have the strength to do so.  Even though Peter and the kids know I need to rest and tell me to do it as much as they can it is also not normal for me and I'm sure it is odd to see me "down" so much.  My white blood cell count was up to 3.2 yesterday so I was able to do my treatment and I was so glad that I was able to.  I know it may sound weird to be thankful I was able to have red poison pumped through my body but it was my last one of this cocktail so I am done with the "Kool-Aid" yea!!!!  My next treatment is set for the Monday the 18th and then I will start going every Monday until MY BIRTHDAY!!!!  My last treatment is actually on my birthday!  That is as long as I don't have any more delays.

       I am still so overwhelmed with gratitude with all of the calls, text, cards, gifts and emails.  I received the most thoughtful gift in the mail from an old high school friend.  It really touched me that so many people are thinking of me.  An entire pee wee football team, of which I know only 2 players were all wearing pink for me and sent me a team picture!  Thanks so much to Rob and his boys Robbie and Darren!  I love hearing all of the stories from people who are reading my blog as well.  It is so amazing to me that people I don't even know are reading it and it is reaching so many.  I heard from another old friend who was talking to her doctor about mammograms and the nurse she was talking to actual knew of my blog and said she was reading it all the way in Idaho… thanks Kelly your story was so crazy!

       I am so grateful and surprised by the continued support.  I know we are all busy and we all live busy lives that's why it always puts a smile on my face when I get a note or little something to brighten my day.  I expected it all to fade away by now but I should have known that, the same circle of friends and family who rallied around me in the beginning would stick by me and still be there today!  I can't tell you all how much I love you and am so thankful for all of you.  I also am so grateful for the ones who have come out of the woodwork that I have not talked to in so long both near and far.  If nothing else my Christmas card list has grown by leaps and bounds this year!!!

Halloween was a huge success at our house, it was so nice to see all the kids and friends who stopped by for a visit.  The kids all had a great time and we even had a few cousins over to go trick or treating as well so it was a great night with a TON of candy!  I think the kids brought home more candy than we passed out this year.  I expect the next few days will be much like last time so I am trying to prepare myself as much as I can.  Thanks as always for all the love and support!  Love to you all!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I have just come across your blog and it's amazing and inspirational. It's a great way to raise awareness. I also write a blog about my fight with Leukaemia. www.aspoon-full-ofsugar.blogspot.com you are an inspirational woman. keep kicking ass! :)
