Getting ready for another Chemo day is never fun. I seem to forget very fast how I feel and how the next few days go. You would think I would write it down day by day since I have to do this so many times. It is almost like if I don't talk about it, it will go away and I will wake up from this bad dream soon. I still have not found the perfect food to get rid of the bad taste during treatment. They have done the meds in a different order each time so far and I don't know if that makes a big difference. Honestly the thing I think about the most going into treatment is if I will get the "good" room. There are 2 rooms for treatment a huge one with 20+ chairs and 2 beds, then there is a small room with 2 chairs and 2 beds. I like the small room, it is not a busy, not as many people, it's quiet and I don't have as many eyes on me. They say that you can't have visitors during treatment but I have been able to each time so far and that has been good. This week I may go solo, I have a lot of shows to get caught up on.

On a positive note we are going to the Dodger game tonight and they better WIN!!! I am really looking forward to going, I'll be the one in the Dodger bean if your there. GO BLUE!!!!
My friends who have been through the yukky taste and sore mouth swear by Hagen Dazs mango sorbet. Worth a try :-) Love you!