I had the most annoying encounter today and I don't think anyone would believe me but my mom was with me and couldn't believe her ears as well. We were at the grocery store and this guy behind us in line suddenly asked me "what's your PIC line for" I simply answered "cancer". He then goes on to ask me a few questions about the meds and I just told him it was for breast cancer and tried to go on about my business. He then asked if it was in my lymph nodes and I just said "no, we got lucky". The next thing he said was so unbelievable and unreal it almost took my breath away. He then said "Oh, it will get there." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Who do you think you are?!?!?!?! I could not believe it. I almost didn't know what to say, I told him no, I don't think so, I got this. Then paid and got the hell out of there!!! As I was leaving he said to me "it's beatable though". I felt like punching him in his face! It is amazing to me how brazen people can be. I didn't know him, he didn't know me but felt it was his business to voice his opinion like that! UGH!!! Such and ASS!!!!
On the other end of the spectrum, I have to say thank you to all of you!!!! Thank you for all the love and support in your comments, emails, text, FB posts and messages. It is amazing to me, all the kind words and encouragement I have received, so overwhelming! It truly is unbelievable to me every time I open my computer to see how many people take the time to reach out just to let me know they are there and they are following my blog and have been thinking about me. THANK YOU!!!
Today was a good day (other than the grocery store incident). My mom and I were able to get a lot done around the house, okay she did most of the work and I took a nap. I had a great lunch with great friends and got a chance to catch up after being gone last week and missing my weekly visit. We were able to plan a fun outing for next summer once all of this is behind me! It is so nice to plan future events so I have something to look forward to. I can't wait to not have all of this hanging over me and just can "BE". I do see a busy evening of baking and eating tonight since Johnna has been shopping for the past hour, I can't wait to see what pumpkin and fall yumminess she comes up with tonight.
Tomorrow will be treatment #3 (13 more to go) and I wonder how it will go, I always feel the best right before treatment. Tuesday night is always hard because I know what is coming and hate to think about it. Tomorrow will bring sluggishness, yucky tastes, cold rooms and sleeping. I think the worst part is the shots I have to take beginning the Friday after treatment everyday for a week. I think that is what causes my mouth to hurt so much. Last time around was so bad it got to the point where I couldn't even talk.
Think happy thoughts for tomorrow, love you all and cross your fingers I get the "good room"!
Hang tough Dana and just ignore the idiots who will always be out there. I look forward to your updates.